ESG Coffee Talk, Grafik: Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V.
ESG Coffee Talk, Grafik: Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V.

Im März veranstaltet die ESG-Fachgruppe des Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V. ihren ersten ESG-Coffee-Talk auf Englisch.

Einladung – Invitation

Dear ladies and gents,

In our ESG Coffeetalk in March titled

ESG COFFEE TALK – ESG / GREEN LEASE CROSSING BORDERS (ENGLISH) – Snapshots from different country perspectives.

we’d like to have another look at Green / ESG / Responsible Leases.

With speakers coming from different countries, we will touch on

  • common themes, questions and challenges;
  • perhaps also identify some differences, market standards or legal requirements.

We’d like to hear from you if you’ve got insights to share.

As we all say, we talk too much about E, but what about S&G, we’ll also have a short look at ABC and Sanctions clauses for leases.

Please see who will be speaking with you (all members of the Dentons Europe & UK ESG Real Estate task force):

To register, please refer to the following link:

ESG | Nachhaltigkeit – Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V. (


Sabine and Sona

Sabine Wieduwilt, Sona Taghiyeva